Breast/Chest Feeding
photo from the CDC Media Center
Breastfeeding positions
Weighed feedings (to determine milk intake)
Breast and nipple pain
Milk supply
Mastitis and plugged ducts
Use of accessories like nipple shields, at-breast supplementers and more
Pumping help (flange size, comfort, increase supply, starting a milk stash, etc)
Assessment of infant oral and body range of motion
Oral tie (tongue, lip and cheek) assessments and support including:
Frenotomy prep (oral/body exercises)
Aftercare - woundcare management and Neuromuscular Rehabilitation (NMR)
Referrals to highly trained providers
Adoptive Nursing
Tandem Nursing
Starting solids
and more!
Prices, types of visits, insurance and more on FAQ page
Please also see my lactation and infant feeding library for specific details for all of these topics (and more!), as well as my FAQ and insurance pages.