Scheduling and Gift Certificates
Schedule a Consultation or Buy a Gift Certificate
Please select from the options below - I'm looking forward to working with you!
Prices, types of visits, insurance and more on FAQ page and Insurance page
Home visits are very limited, by request only, and fees apply - please see FAQ page
Questions? Text 609-200-1409 or Email leslie@lactationsolutionsofprinceton.com
Scroll down for Gift Certificates
Billing is for parent and baby, please indicate in your booking if you are both covered in-network. Deductibles, Co-pays or Co-insurances may apply - see insurance page for more info
Cigna allows only billing for the parent, which limits the time of visits. For this reason, in order to get comprehensive care, you must book a telehealth visit with any in-person postnatal visit. After booking your visit we will discuss the timing for the telehealth visit.
If the baby is in-network, then both you and baby may be covered in one longer comprehensive visit. Please indicate with your booking if this is the case.
Out-of-Network Visits
If your baby has an in-network, some of your visit may be eligible for in-network billing. Please let me know if this is the case.
Gift Certificates
Scale Rental
Out-of-network services
In-network fees such as copays, co-insurance or deductibles
Purchasing pump parts, nipple creams, bottles, oral/motor implements, and more