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Breastfeeding Positions
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Breastfeeding positions support parent and baby comfortably, and aid a deep latch
There are a wide variety of positions
Some positions have a name, and there are an infinite number more than have no name - but are hybrids of more than one position.
Which position works for you depends on how you and your baby fit together.
The most important features of a good positions are
Baby is fully facing you - it’s hard to drink if your head is turned at a different angle than the rest of the body!
You are getting a deep/asymmetric latch
Both of you are supported and comfortable!
photo from a colleague/friend
Cross-cradle position (this video also shows a nice asymmetric latch)
Note - most pillows are too thin, causing you to lean forward. You want the pillow under your breast like your breasts are on a shelf (she recommends tilting the pillow up, but for some people the first method she shows of adding a 2nd pillow is very helpful). This puts the baby and your nipple at the same level, supports your breasts and helps you to lean back and be more comfortable.
In addition to the idea of placing your pillow higher - feel free to use any pillow(s) to do this - especially if your nursing pillow is frustrating you. You can also raise your knees under your pillow (cross your legs, or use a footstool or ottoman), or put your arm under the baby to fill the gap (this converts cross-cradle to the cradle hold - see more below).
This “Tried and True Positioning Tips” page also shows the cross-cradle, as well as ideas for hand positions, asymmetric latch.
YouTube playlist showing a variety of positions - Cradle, Cross-Cradle, Football/Rugby, Side Lying, Laid Back, and Koala/Straddle.
Koala/Straddle Hold (baby sitting upright - great pillow-free position, also helps a baby manage faster flow, and aids digestion)
Video by Jessica Barton, IBCLC
Video by Meg Nagle (“The Milk Meg”) IBCLC - This video also shows a great version of the “flipple” (exaggerated asymmetric latch)
Video by Katy Linda (The Breastfeeding Den - also a great YouTube channel in general!)
Video by Rebecca Baxter, Osteopath
Side Lying Nursing - so comfy!
Video by Robin Kaplan, IBCLC
Video by Jessica Barton, IBCLC
Instagram post showing how to hold baby while side lying
Related to side lying nursing are Safe Sleep resources
Fantastic book about safe sleep and bed sharing, "Sweet Sleep" by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, Linda Smith and Teresa Pitman
James McKenna website and book “Safe Infant Sleep”
Elizabeth Pantley “No Cry Sleep Solution” and great Instagram Page
And, many more gentle sleep and parenting resources on my Evidence Based Resources page!
Laid Back Breastfeeding (such a valuable position I’ve devoted a whole page to it!)