Breastfeeding Positions

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Breastfeeding positions support parent and baby comfortably, and aid a deep latch


There are a wide variety of positions

Some positions have a name, and there are an infinite number more than have no name - but are hybrids of more than one position.

Which position works for you depends on how you and your baby fit together.

The most important features of a good positions are

  • Baby is fully facing you - it’s hard to drink if your head is turned at a different angle than the rest of the body!

  • You are getting a deep/asymmetric latch

  • Both of you are supported and comfortable!

photo from a colleague/friend


  • Cross-cradle position (this video also shows a nice asymmetric latch)

    • Note - most pillows are too thin, causing you to lean forward. You want the pillow under your breast like your breasts are on a shelf (she recommends tilting the pillow up, but for some people the first method she shows of adding a 2nd pillow is very helpful). This puts the baby and your nipple at the same level, supports your breasts and helps you to lean back and be more comfortable.

    • In addition to the idea of placing your pillow higher - feel free to use any pillow(s) to do this - especially if your nursing pillow is frustrating you. You can also raise your knees under your pillow (cross your legs, or use a footstool or ottoman), or put your arm under the baby to fill the gap (this converts cross-cradle to the cradle hold - see more below).

    • This “Tried and True Positioning Tips” page also shows the cross-cradle, as well as ideas for hand positions, asymmetric latch.

  • YouTube playlist showing a variety of positions - Cradle, Cross-Cradle, Football/Rugby, Side Lying, Laid Back, and Koala/Straddle.

  • Koala/Straddle Hold (baby sitting upright - great pillow-free position, also helps a baby manage faster flow, and aids digestion)

    • Video by Jessica Barton, IBCLC

    • Video by Meg Nagle (“The Milk Meg”) IBCLC - This video also shows a great version of the “flipple” (exaggerated asymmetric latch)

    • Video by Katy Linda (The Breastfeeding Den - also a great YouTube channel in general!)

    • Video by Rebecca Baxter, Osteopath

  • Babywearing/Nursing in a Baby Carrier


Oral exercises for babies


Feed the Baby, Preserve the Supply (aka, what to do while waiting for help!)