Referrals for tie evaluation and release procedure
(Tongue, Lip, Cheek Ties)
It’s extremely important to have a functional evaluation first (with me or another tie-savvy IBCLC or SLP). For the formal tie-evaluation, diagnosis and procedure it’s imperative to consult someone with a wealth of experience. The practitioners listed below are well vetted from my (and my colleagues’) experiences.
Amy Schecter, MD and IBCLC/Breastfeeding Medicine Specialist in West Caldwell NJ.
Has lactation consultants in the office to help at the same time. In-network with Aetna.
Scott Siegel, MD and Dentist in New York City and Long Island.
Runs a Center for Tethered Oral Tissues
Has done many research studies related to TOTs
Paul Bahn, Dentist in Philadelphia, PA
All of them have very informative websites - please look around for more info on ties, their practices and more.
They vary by insurance, the tool they use (laser or scissor), whether they let you be in the room during a procedure, etc. I’m happy to share what I know about these topics.
They all offer same day procedure as consultation, but also offer consultation-only visits.
Much more info on my pages Ties, Part I and Ties, Part II