Blog posts
Evidence-Based Resources
photo from the CDC Media Center
Table of Contents for all blog posts
Combat Misinformation and learn more info about
lactation, weaning, gentle sleep, parenting, podcasts,
Instagram pages, YouTube channels and more.
Trust your instincts - babies wanting to be with you is normal! These resources balance the challenges of the normalcy of loss of sleep with evidence-based info about human sleep. Let’s live in a world that says “hey, infants wake up a lot and that’s normal, but it’s also tiring so let’s support each other” (a much better message than “I can fix your baby”, or your baby “should sleep x hours” (no baby is the same!)).
Sweet Sleep by Diane Weissinger and Diana West
Safe Infant Sleep by James McKenna (and his website - James McKenna Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory)
The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
Instagram pages with gentle approaches to infant sleep
elizabethpantley - author of the No Cry Sleep Solution
And so many more from this great post by Integrative Lactation Care (also a great page to follow)
Too often people are told to “pump and dump” or avoid a medication that is actually safe. There are many evidence-based resources on my Medications and Lactation page, including links to databases where you can look up specific medications, info about alcohol, cannabis, caffeine and much more.
Whether from nursing or pumping; if after 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years! Check out my new (Nov 2024) Weaning page
Induced Lactation and Re-Lactation
Alyssa Schnell, MS, IBCLC is a wealth of information for this topic - with pages for Induced Lactation for Adoptive parents, for Surrogate Parents, Co-lactation for Queer Parents, Induced Lactation for Trans and Intersex Women, and Relactation and Back-to-Breast for Birthing Parents. In addition to her website with all of that support, she also offers
DomHub - designed for both parents and professionals, it offers “scientific evidence for the safe and effective use of domperidone for increasing lactation”
Her excellent book Breastfeeding Without Birthing
And, her amazing podcast Breastfeeding Outside the Box
Low Milk Supply
Low Milk Supply website, and their excellent book Making More Milk
Oral ties (tongue, lip and cheek)
So much to learn! See my pages on Ties, Part I (learning more), and Ties, Part II (my baby is likely tied - what now?)
General Lactation and Infant Feeding Info
Kelly Mom - extensive parenting and breastfeeding resources on a wide variety of topics.
Droplet - breastfeeding, pumping, hand expression, research info and more. In English or Spanish.
La Leche League - articles, links to local support groups and much more.
MOBI Motherhood International (extensive list of breastfeeding resources - low supply, tongue/lip ties, sensory issues, dealing with fast flow, dealing with slow flow, baby's oral-motor skills, and so much more)
Parenting books
How to Talk so Kids will listen, and Listen so Kids will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish - these authors have many books - like Siblings Without Rivalry, and many more - all great!
The Whole Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff
Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
Let me know others that you love!
YouTube Channels
The Untethered Podcast (ties, airway and more)
Websites are linked here, but you can also find them on podcast apps.
Babies in Common - birth, pregnancy and and post-partum
The Double Shift - working parents
The Longest Shortest Time - parenting
Coffee and Cosleeping (Instagram page - from their link you can get to the podcast, their Facebook group and more
Untethered - tongue ties, airway and more (babies through adults)
Babyled Weaning Made Easy - resources for starting solids and beyond. There are many episodes, I recommend starting by scrolling to the earliest ones, listen to the basics and then look around for more specific topics