Bodywork: Gentle exercises, tummy time and massage for babies
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Bodywork is fun and therapeutic!
The uterus is a tight place! And, birth is a bumpy ride. Many babies are born with body tension, or asymmetric body/head positions. Head molding, a natural process during birth, is meant to re-mold back to a round shape - but sometimes this process gets a bit stuck. All babies need time, and some help, to “unwind” post-birth. And, for babies with oral tension (possible ties), torticollis and other body tension/asymmetry, bodywork is especially important. The whole body is connected - so massaging or exercising one area of the body can help another part of the body, or help with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, fussiness, tummy upsets/digestion, diaper output, relaxation, sleeping, sitting in a carseat, and more! And, oral exericses are wonderful for helping baby too!
Skip to the following sections
Home Based Ideas - massage, movement, tummy time, guppy, toys/teethers, skin to skin holding, baby wearing.
Professional Bodywork Resources and Info - including my referrals for recommended practitioners in NJ/PA.
Home bodywork resources
The ones marked with *** are my first go-to’s,
and check my video library page for more ideas
This is a “library” of ideas with suggestions of how much to do of each exercise below. Some days you will get to a lot of them, some days none - it’s all okay! Add to your repertoire from this library as you are able. Use your baby as a guide - if they are enjoying it, great! If the baby is overwhelmed, or don’t like a particular exercise or massage, stop and try again another time. Think of this work as a “Couch to 5K”! Sing songs, make up silly poems - enjoy! You will learn so much about your baby in the process!
Infant Massage and Body Motions - 1-2x/day, 5 - 10 min.
***Massage and Gentle Body Movement Video (5 min)
*** another Massage and Gentle Body Movement Video (2 min)
Whole Body Body Massage video (10 min)
Another great Whole Body Baby Massage video (30 min)
Facial Massage video (7 min)
Facial Massage Instagram video
Rhythmic exercises to “loosen up”, incorporate reflexes, aid symmetry and digestion - 1-2x/day, 5-10 min (combine it with a massage/movment session!).
*** Rhythmic Movement - an incredibly powerful and fun technique!
Rhythmic Movement and reflexes
*** The “Rolio” by Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, CIMI, CST, NBCR
*** Cross-body movements - left hand to right knee and vice versa (“baby disco”), crossing the arms across the chest, crossing the legs/knees over/under each other. I’m looking for videos or other Insta posts to show this better - let me know if you find something!
*** Amazing Rhythmic Movement Course by Nourished Young (free with a coupon code that I can provide for my clients)
Tummy Time can be incidental - on your lap, on your chest, when carrying them around! 15 seconds here, 30 seconds there - it all adds up!
Most newborns are not ready for tummy time on the floor and prefer an incline. ***Your newborn baby laying on your chest is the most natural form of tummy time! You can also lay a baby on your lap with one leg raised a bit higher, or prop them on a pillow or rolled up towel, use a yoga ball, etc
As your baby grows, they can lay on their tummy longer, do tummy time on a flat surface, and incorporate more activities and toys.
It’s helpful to roll babies into tummy time. So, if you are doing massage/movement (like above) you combine the activities - roll the baby into tummy time and put their arms to their front so they can balance themself. It’s great time to also give a back massage, and pelvic/sacral circles or gentle pressure (like their hips are a ball of “playdough”).
Here are various vidoes with Tummy Time Ideas (but not all) of the links in this section are by Michelle Emanuel, creator of the TummyTime Method.
*** Video with basic ideas
Video for baby with a head-turning preference
Video of skin to skin holding in Tummy Time
Tummy sleeping (while supervised, check with your doctor)
Tiger in a Tree - also called the “colic carry” - it’s an easy way to walk around with the baby and just happen to be also doing tummy time at the same time
Super Babies - very fun! Here’s an Instagram post of me doing oral exercises with a baby in Super Babies (scroll to the 3rd picture).
Any interaction with your baby during tummy time is great. And, toys can be a wonderful addition to tummy time.
A Soft Rug has great tactile sensations that sometimes make tummy time more interesting (also great for rhythmic movement, massage, etc)
*** The “guppy” - also called “Reverse Tummy Time” since it also helps babies extend their chin and stretch out their neck) - this is one of my absolutely favorite exercises - it helps to stretch out tension under the tongue and in the neck. You want to be gentle and only go as far as the baby likes, but some babies really love to stretch a lot!
This can be done anytime they are on your lap (for example baby can lay perpendicular to you and have their head over both knees or lay side to side and have their head over one leg. I usually put one hand on the baby’s chest so they feel more stable.
The guppy dance (gently moving baby’s head as you support it)
This can also be done with their head leaning back over a pillow or over your arm, or anything that comfortably helps them to put their head back.
You can move a object for the baby to follow/track to either side - the goal is to get their head moving back and forth from left to right while in this position.
Skin to Skin holding - great for all babies, can be done anytime - here’s an excellent article by Rachel O’Brien, IBCLC.
*** Oral exercises - Such an important topic I moved these to a separate page.
from friends/colleagues
Babywearing - a snuggly “4th trimester” feeling, a great way to do skin to skin, and so easy to hold your baby hands-free. Babywearing relates to bodywork because it gets babies off their back, and helps them “work” their muscles every time they need adjust to your movement. Check online for specific resources for your baby carrier, and enjoy these fantastic videos as well:
Babywearing Videos by Rachel Ullman
Babywearing Videos by Heidi Kim
Also, for more support - there are many local Babywearing groups offering in-person help! See my resource list for NJ based groups, and if you are from another area - ask your IBCLC for ones near you!
Instagram pages and YouTube channels
to follow for bodywork ideas
You can see me doing a lot of the ideas from this page on this Instagram post
MilkMattersPT (Insta)
LittleMoversPT (Insta) - she also sells a video course
Danielle Gauss, IBCLC (Insta)
Starfish Therapies (Insta) - she has several good YouTube vidoes as well (0-2 months,
The LA Lactation Lady (YouTube)
Professional bodywork
The home-based ideas above are fun, therapeutic and absolutely helpful. For some babies professional infant bodywork is needed to truly help the most. Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths and other types of practitioners are all good options. See my referrals page for recommended practitioners in/near NJ (and let me know if you want more info on any of the people listed)
And, here are some more helpful resources relating to professional infant bodywork:
Podcast Episodes
Why Babies Need Bodywork - Breastfeeding Talk Podcast
A PT Paves the Way for Infant TOTs - The Untethered Podcast
8 day old getting chiropractic adjustment for Torticollis
How Chiropractic and Cranialsacral therapy can help with nursing issues
Breastfeeding from The Reality Check (great site on all things chiropractic)